Posno luncheon Sunday, April 14
Join us for a posno luncheon with soup, salad and more on Sunday, April 14 after liturgy.

The S.S.S. Mita Topalovich Choir sings for Liturgy every Sunday, and when asked will sing for pomens, funerals, and weddings throughout the year. Choir is an important ministry of the parish as we are called to serve one another with our time, talents, and treasures. We are united to one another by the desire to serve the Lord in song.
We rehearse on Wednesday nights at 7:30 P.M. in the upper level of our Social Center. All are welcome to join us. Contact the Choir President or our directress for more information.

Photos from Choir Slava 2018 - 09/30/2018
On September 30, 2018 at our Social Center, the SSS Mita Topalovich Choir celebrated its slava, St. Kasijana, the Hymnographer.
(12 images)