Our Church School teachers for 2019-2020 are:
- Diane Grubisich - Pre-school & Kindergarden - mdpsosg@comcast.net
- Nada Zubic - Primary Grades (1 -5) - nada.zubic@ovideon.com
- Gayle Shimek - Primary Grades - gshimek47@aol.com
- Kathy Petkovich - Secondary Grades (6 - 12) - kathypetkovich@yahoo.com
- Nancy Cora - Secondary Grades - nabcora@yahoo.com

St. George Church School will begin on Sunday, Sept. 8.
After the liturgy there will be a service of the invocation of the Holy Spirit upon the teachers and students followed by an introduction class in church.
Church school classes will be every Sunday, unless it is previously cancelled, after holy communion. Church school children should take holy communion regularly and confession monthly.
The classrooms are going to be painted and carpeted in late August and September therefore some classes will be held in the hall, lower level.
- Register your child for our Church School Program.
- Bring them to Church on time.
- Stay and worship at the Divine Liturgy in the Church.
- Be positive about Church.
- Discuss with them what they learned each Sunday.
- Teach your children Christian living through your own actions.
- Emphasize regular repentance and Holy Communion.
- Put Church before every other activity on Sunday.
- Avoid criticism of others.
- Let your love for Our Lord Jesus Christ radiate.
Plan to bring your child/children to the culture classes during the weekdays as this is an extension of our church school. Parents and parishioners are welcome to participate in the culture classes which consist of basic Serbian language, basic Serbian history and geography, songs and folklore. Please let Fr Alex know if you are willing to help / teach any of the mentioned activities.
Parents mark your calendar for Sunday, Sept,. 25 after the kolo sestara slava lunch or Sunday, Sept. 1 after the liturgy to have parents / priest meeting.
For more info, please talk or call Fr Alex or Gayle Shimek.

On Sunday, January 27, 2019, our parish will hold a St. Sava Celebration beginning with Holy Liturgy at 10 A.M. Then, the Slava Ritual with the cutting of the bread (kolač) in the St. George Social Center at 12:30 P.M. A luncheon and program will follow featuring our Church School students reciting Deklamacije. All St. George parishioners are kindly asked to attend.