The Thee Kolos Lifeline Banquet is June 14. See the invitation here and RSVP.

Devoted, loving and ambitious, the ladies of St. George Church in Joliet, Illinois established the Crkveno Kolo on March 2, 1930 taking the Krsna Slava, Velika Gospojina. Their dedication to aid and support all undertakings of the church are evident by their generous contributions to every aspect of church life. Knowing their role is to contribute to the church, continue support to St. Sava Camp, and assist in all areas, the women enthusiastically work tirelessly to fulfill their purpose.
Entertaining and hosting are not foreign to the Kolo sisters. Every event that is hosted by the church finds the Kolo ladies assisting in all ways to ensure smooth preparation and enjoyment for everyone. Over the years, various fundraisers such as for St. Sava camp, Chicken Dinners, Bake Sales, SNF Golf Tournaments, as well as the annual Church Slava were all supported with the Kolo's assistance.
Since 2014, Kolo hosts the now well-known fundraiser for "Lifeline Chicago". In addition to hosting this event, our sisters aid in the preparation of other fundraising events for our children and brothers and sisters in our motherland. These humanitarian projects have developed well over the past years and are lovingly served by women for the benefit of our needy children overseas. Thousands of dollars have been and continue to be donated to the children's orphanages in Serbia and Republika Srpska.
Contact the Kolo President for more information on becoming active with our Kolo.

Photos from Wine & Dine for Lifeline Chicago - 09/16/2018
On September 16th at our Social Center, the Joliet Kolo and Lansing Kolos held a fundraiser benefiting the Lifeline Humanitarian Organization. For a nominal fee, guests received appetizers, a great lunch, along with live jazz music. Plus, there was wine tasting, terrific raffle prizes and a fabulous bakery selection. The event was fun and a great opportunity to help Lifeline, a cause worthy of guests' donations.
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Photos from Kolo Slava 2018 - 08/26/2018
On August 26 at our Social Center, the Circle of Serbian Sisters / Kolo Srpskih Sestara celebrated its slava, the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos & Ever Virgin Mary.
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