St. George Serbian Orthodox Church
Diocese of New Gracanica and Midwestern America
300 Stryker Avenue, Joliet, Illinois 60436
Monthly Calendar
Nativity 2022 schedule of services

Mir Božiji Hristos se rodi! Peace of God Christ is Born!

Sunday, January 1
 – Sunday of the Holy Fathers / Serb Father’s Day – Očevi

Divine Liturgy at 10 am.  Church School and decorating of Badnjak

Monday, January 2 – St Ignatius of Antioch / St John of Kronstadt

Confession at 8:30 am; Divine Liturgy at 9 am

Friday, January 6 – The Nativity Eve / Badnje Veče

Confession at 8:30 am; Divine Liturgy of St Basil the Great at 9 am

Nativity Compline and Matins at 6 pm. Blessing of Badnjak (Yule Log) and refreshments in the upper-level hall after the church services.

Saturday, January 7 – The Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ – Božić

Divine Liturgy at 10 am

From the Feast of the Nativity until the Eve of Theophany, January 18 is fast free

Sunday, January 8 – Commemoration of the Holy & Righteous Joseph the Betrothed, David the King, & James the Brother of the Lord /Synaxis of the Theotokos / Sabor Presvete Bogorodice

Divine Liturgy at 9 am    Church school and coffee hour

Vigil/confession at 5 pm

Monday, January 9 - St Stephen the Protomartyr / Sv Stefan Prvomučenik

Divine Liturgy at 9 am.

Friday, January 13 – Leave taking of Nativity / Odanije Božića

Vigil / confession at 6 pm

Saturday, January 14 – Circumcision of our Lord and Savior / St Basil the Great / Julian Calendar New Year

Divine Liturgy of St Basil the Great at 9 am

The traditional Serbian Orthodox greeting for the Nativity season is Christ is Born and the reply is Indeed He is Born or Truly He is Born. In Serbian it is Hristos se rodi and the reply is Voistinu se rodi The Christmas greeting is used from the day of the Nativity of Christ until the Apodosis or Leave-taking of the Feast which is January 13. 



Nativity 2020 schedule of services
Schedule of Services

Schedule of Divine Services/Распоред Богослужења 

If a service is canceled or there is a change in time, it will be listed in the Weekly Bulletin which is distributed on Sundays and available online at



Sunday, April 21
Entrance of our Lord Jesus Christ, Palm Sunday
Hierarchal Liturgy at 10 a.m., Lenten Vespers at 6 p.m., dinner in the hall.
Monday, April 22
Bridegroom Matins at 6 p.m.
Tuesday, April 23
Bridegroom Matins at 6 p.m.
Wednesday, April 24
Hours at 8 a.m.; confession at 8:40 a.m.; Presanctified Liturgy at 9 a.m.
Religious discussion at 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, April 25
Liturgy of St Basil the Great at 9 a.m.
Matins and reading of 12 gospel lessons at 6 p.m.
Friday, April 26
Good Friday / Велики Петак
Royal Hours at 10 a.m.
Vespers, removal of Christ from the Cross at 4 p.m.
Lamentations and Burial of Christ, procession with holy shroud around the church at 6 p.m.
Saturday, April 27
Good and Holy Sabbath / Велика Субота
Liturgy of St Basil the Great at 9 a.m.
Resurrection Matins with procession at 11 p.m. / Васкрсно Јутрење у 23 ч
Sunday, April 28
Holy Pascha /Васкрс
Divine Liturgy at 10 a.m.
Monday and Tuesday of Bright Week
Divine Liturgy will be at 9 a.m.


Nativity of Christ Divine Services at St George 2018:

Friday, January 4 -  Royal Hours at 10 am, confession to follow
Saturday, January 5 - Vespers and confession at 5 pm
Sunday, January 6 – Nativity Eve: Confession at 9:15 am; Divine Liturgy at 10 am. Coffee hour. Nativity Vespers to follow at around 1 pm.  Nativity Vigil at 6 pm. Lenten refreshments in the hall and blessing of Badnjak (Yule Log) in the hall.
Monday, January 7 – Feast of the Nativity of Christ: Confession at 9:30 am; Divine Liturgy at 10 am.
Tuesday, January 8 – Synaxis of the Mother of God: Divine Liturgy at 9 am.  Vespers at 6 pm.
Wednesday, January 9 – St Stephen the Protomartyr: Divine Liturgy at 9 am.
Saturday, January 12 - Vespers and confession at 5 pm
Sunday, January 13 – Leave-taking of Nativity / New Year Eve: Divine Liturgy at 10 am.  Vigil and confession at 5 pm.

From the Nativity until the Eve of Theophany is fast free.  From the Nativity until the Leave-taking of the Feast, we greet each other with Christ is Born and reply Indeed or Truly He is born!

Божићна богослужења у цркви Св Георгија 2018:

Петак, Јануар 4 - Царски Часови и исповест у 10 ч
Субота, Јануар 5 - Вечерње и исповест у 17 ч
Недеља, Јануар 6 - Бадњи дан: Исповест у 9:30, Света Литургија у 10 ч. Кафа у сали испод цркве у наставку божићно вечерње око 13 ч.  Бденије у 18 ч. Посно послужење у сали и свећење бадњака
Понедељак, Јануар 7 – Рођење Христово, Божић: Исповест у 9:30 Света Литургија у 10 ч.  
Уторак, Јануар 8 – Сабор Свете Богородице: Света Литургија у 9 ч.  Вечерње у 18 ч.
Среда, Јануар 9 – Св Стефан, првомученик: Света Литургија у 9 ч.
Субота, Јануар 12 - Вечерње и исповест у 17 ч
Недеља, Јануар 13 – Оданије Божића и Навечерје Нове Године: Света Литургија у 10 ч.  Бденије у исповест у 17 ч.

Од Божића до навечерја Богојављења се не пости.  Од Божића до оданија се поздрављамо са Христос  се роди и одговор Воистину се роди.

Church Services for November 2018:

  • Friday, November 2 - vespers /confession at 6 pm
  • Saturday, November 3 - Memorial Saturday - Mitrovske zadusnice, Divine liturgy and general parastos at 9 am. Vespers / confession at 5 pm
  • Sunday, November 4 - 90th Anniversary Celebration. Hierarchal liturgy at 9:30 am. Banquet at 1 pm
  • Wednesday, November 7 - Vespers / confession at 6 pm
  • Thursday, November 8 - Greatmartyr Demetrius / Sv Dimitrije, Divine Liturgy at 9 am
  • Sunday, November 11 - Divine Liturgy at 10 am, Church school and coffee hour
  • Tuesday, November 13 - Vespers / confession at 6 pm
  • Wednesday, November 14 - Sts Cosmas and Damian, Divine Liturgy at 9 am
  • Saturday, November 17 - Vespers / confession at 5 pm
  • Sunday, November 18- Divine Liturgy at 10 am, church school and coffee hour
  • Tuesday, November 20 - Vespers / confession at 6 pm
  • Wednesday, November 21 - At Arch Michael / Arandjelovdan, Divine Liturgy at 9 am
  • Sunday, November 25 - Divine Liturgy at 10 am. Church school and coffee hour
  • Wednesday, November 28 - Beginning of Nativity Fast / Pocetak Bozicnjeg posta

Church Services for October 2018:

  • Saturday, October 6 - Memorial Saturday - Zadusnice. Divine Liturgy and general parastos for all reposed Orthodox Christians. Please bring the list of names of your reposed family members to be commemorated. Please call Fr Aleksandar if you want to prepare koljivo and/or pogaca to bring. Vespers and confession at 5 pm
  • Sunday, October 7 - Divine Liturgy at 10 am. Church school and coffee hour
  • Saturday, October 13- Vespers and confession at 5 pm
  • Sunday, October 14 - Feast of the Protection of the Theotokos (Pokrov Bogorodice). Church school and coffee hour
  • Saturday, October 20 - Vespers and confession at 5 pm
  • Sunday, October 21 - Holy fathers of 7th ecumenical council, Divine Liturgy at 10 am. Church school and coffee hour
  • Friday, October 26 - Vespers and confession at 6 pm
  • Saturday, October 27 - Holy mother Parasceva (Sv Petka). Divine Liturgy at 9 am. Vespers and confession at 5 pm
  • Sunday, October 28 - Divine Liturgy at 10 am. Church school and coffee hour
  • Wednesday, October 31 - Feast of St Luke the evangelist (Sv Luka). Divine Liturgy at 9 am

Church Services for September 2018:

  • Sunday, September 2 - Divine Liturgy at 10 am, coffee hour
  • Saturday, September 8 - Vespers and confession at 5 pm
  • Sunday, September 9 - Synaxis of Serbian Saints, Divine liturgy at 10 am, coffee hour and kolo meeting
  • Monday, September 10 - Vespers and confession at 6 pm
  • Tuesday, September 11 - Feast of Beheading of St John (Usekovanije, postan dan) - fast day, Divine Liturgy at 9 am
  • Sunday, September 16 - Divine Liturgy at 10 am. Invocation of the Holy Spirit upon the teachers and students for the beginning of school year, classes to follow. Parents and priest meeting in church after the services.  Lifeline luncheon sponsored by Joliet and Lansing's Kolos.
  • Thursday, September 20 - Vigil and confession at 6 pm
  • Friday, September 21 - Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos (Mala Gospojina), Divine Liturgy at 9 am
  • Saturday, September 22 - Vespers and confession at 5 pm
  • Sunday, September 23 - Divine Liturgy at 10 am. Church school and lunch sponsored by the American Serbian Social Club
  • Wednesday, September 26 - Vigil and confession at 6 pm. Please call Fr Aleksandar if you have a fresh basil (bosiljak) and other flowers to bring to church.
  • Thursday, September 27 - The Exaltation of the Precious Cross (Krstovdan, postan dan), fast day. Divine Liturgy at 9 am
  • Sunday, September 30 - Divine Liturgy at 10 am. Celebration of St Cassiana / Kasijana, choir slava. Church school.
Schedule of Services
10:00am - Divine Liturgy

Today's Readings

St. George Serbian Orthodox Church

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