The St. George Cultural Club is made up of parents of children in the Sunday School program. Cultural Club organizes activities for the entire church. Contact the Cultural Club President for more information.

The St. George Cultural Club is planniing a fall party for kids and all parishioners on Oct. 20, and a Serbian cooking class Nov. 17. Read more here.

The Cultural Club is sponsoring a bowling party and potluck meal on Sunday, March 3. For students of the church school, admission and shoes will be paid by culture club. Parents, friends of culture club and parishioners are invited to join us. Sign up in lower level of the church.

The Valentine party previously scheduled for Feb. 9 has been cancelled.

On Sunday, January 27, 2019, our parish will hold a St. Sava Celebration beginning with Holy Liturgy at 10 A.M. Then, the Slava Ritual with the cutting of the bread (kolač) in the St. George Social Center at 12:30 P.M. A luncheon and program will follow featuring our Church School students reciting Deklamacije. All St. George parishioners are kindly asked to attend.